Friday, May 22, 2020

My Vision of The Cold War

My Vision of The Cold War The Cold War was an elongated state of political conflict, economic competition, and military tension after the World War II principally between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The Cold War wasn’t a typical war: there were no enemy planes bombing countries, no tanks or heavy artillery, no troops plundering native habitants and destroying cities and villages. It was a war of interests and ideologies. The conflict between Eastern and Western parts of the world had deep roots. At the very beginning of the XXth century relations between the USA and Russia could be described as hostile. In the early 1920s, soon after the Communist revolution in Russia, the United States of America provided a famine relief to the Soviet people and little by little contacts between these two countries improved; but by the 1930s the relationship had soured again and after the World War II it had lead to the Cold War. This unusual war made almost the entire world divide into two hostile camps around two dominant powers fighting to become the dominant power (this phenomenon was called a bipolar system). The United States were trying to spread their democratic ideology to the whole world, whereas the USSR was trying to promote their communist ideology. I believe that the blame for this war for supremacy can hardly be placed on one country. In some way this war was inevitable due to tremendous differences in the two ideologies. The Cold War lasted for forty three years and ended in 1991 after the Soviet Union collapse, leaving the USA the dominant power. This also has lead to the establishment of noncommunist political parties and the development of a new democratic state in the former USSR.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cyber Security - 1446 Words

The sphere of information technology has engulfed literally every aspect of the human life. In business and organizational communication and operations, systems have taken precedence and form very vital segments of the operations. The same has occasioned efficiency and effectiveness of the systems, considering the digital applications guarantee better results as compared to the analog systems the organizations previously had in place. However, these merits have come with their challenges, as is natural with any other good thing. The most prevalent danger to the effectiveness of the system is the threats posed by cyber insecurity. This problem is meted out on either the devices that make up a network, the network itself or the software†¦show more content†¦These elements must be put into the context of the specific business environment with respect to the Information Technology environment of the said company (Bauer et al, 2017). The following is a general evaluation of these elements and their merits, and a specific analysis of the information technology environment of Benmarg Inc., a business that plies its trade within Woodmart mall. The discussion will initially focus on the theoretical angle of the business’ Information Technology environment, before presenting a draft security policy in the form of an office memo. The memo will briefly assess the business environment of the enterprise with regards to the information technology environment, before delving into the merits of the policy. It will culminate with the evaluation of the standards that the policy sets as well as practices associated with the same. Essential elements of a security strategy Policies A policy refers to the manager’s platform upon which he expresses his expectation thresholds for the employees and the team, including the establishment of boundaries within which the employees must abide in terms of behavior. The same enumerates what limits a member of the team may acceptably attain and those activities that are abhorred by the management. Further, policies also communicate the management’s or employer’s itinerary of empowerment of the employees in terms of capacity building and performance improvement. Placed in the context of aShow MoreRelatedCyber Security Is The Total Of Tools, Policies, Security, And Security1262 Words   |  6 PagesCyber Security Nurettin Selà §uk ÅžENOL Sam Houston State University Department of Computer Science Huntsville TEXAS Abstract—Basically, Cyber Security is the total of tools,policies, security,concepts,security,assurances,guides, risk management, attitudes, activities, training, practices and technologies to protect institutions and users in cyberspace.There are a lot of types of Cyber Attack. If precautions are not taken, great consequences may arise. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

To Tax or Not to Tax Free Essays

To Tax or Not to Tax: The Problem of America Money, like a cookie, is something everybody wants, and when it is gone a person blames everybody else for its absence; realizing later they were the one to consume it in the first place. Taxes, since the beginning of an organized economy, have been argued over for centuries. At the end of 2012 after surviving the â€Å"end of the world,† tax payers were faced with another apocalyptic situation, the Fiscal Cliff. We will write a custom essay sample on To Tax or Not to Tax or any similar topic only for you Order Now It had the potential to raise taxes to outrageous rates, and despite the dismissal of the Cliff, the issue had just been pushed onto the back burner of the economy and will be readdressed later this year. On one hand, by keeping low taxes the state is unable to create a sufficient amount of money to pay off its debt. Instead, many people argue that by raising taxes the increased prices of items will actually harm the nation’s economic recovery (Russell). Taxes should be increased because facing the national debt is inevitable and the country is will be unable to recover from the mounting debt until it’s citizens help bring it back from its economic grave. Taxes are directly connected to the economy of a nation, and due to this many people argue that the government needs to cut spending on government programs that are causing the debt to increase. Yet, it was revealed that automatic budget cuts were part of the Fiscal Cliff, and would have saved $109 billion in federal spending on defense and non-defense programs alike. â€Å"President To Make Argument For Fiscal Cliff  Plans†). Ironically, people argued that the government needs to cut, but as it was revealed that is exactly what the cliff was aiming to do. The Fiscal Cliff could have cut unnecessary costs causing the debt to lessen, and in turn reduced swollen deficits (Dixon). This reduction can decrease the debt but even with the removal of these programs the large debt the nation has would be unable to be quickly and efficiently taken care of at current tax rates. This proves that cutting costs can not solely help the economic situation. Despite this, the resulting chain reaction caused by cutting certain budgets benefits the United States overall because it organizes the spending of the nation and can prevent unnecessary costs. By going over the Cliff, one possibility is that the nation could fall into a recession. Yet, the government discussed the possibility of raising taxes on the rich to make up for taxes that could be placed on the middle class. Economists, who have analyzed the possible effects of going over this â€Å"cliff,† argue that this would result in preventing the economy from completely going over (Cohen). Although, taxes will have to be raised on everybody anyways due to newly enacted health care programs. This tax raise is justifiable because these new programs are meant to help citizens but it is unlikely for things to come without a price, â€Å"though the people support the government; the government should not support the people,† (Cleveland). This plan to raise taxes by 39% is actually an advantage for tax payers because it will be made permanent meaning that after families adjust to the new income amount they will receive, after taxes have been removed from the overall amount, they will not have to worry about being faced with another scramble to extend tax policies in the future (Ohlemacher). The certainty this can provide families with a regular tax plan they can adjust to without major changes in the future. The economic world can be both a clam sea and a brewing storm, although with a consistent tax plan tax payers will be able to comfortably sail this reliable ocean. Often, before acting, one looks to the examples of others for guidance; for the mistakes of others will not be theirs. Britain has remained the main nation America looks at when discussing politics and this was proven no different when discussing economics. Conceders have argued that raising taxes would not fix anything, as proven by the British example. In 2010 Cameron took office, axing the government’s budget, a potential plan in the Fiscal Cliff, yet the gross domestic product is below the level it had been at when Cameron had started (Brown). This comparison proves inaccurate because governments are individualistic and many factors, such as the executives chosen in the government and the differing economies or markets in each country, could affect the result of certain decisions. Britain’s ailment is specifically due to a lack of demand not of supply, Adam Posen, a specialist in British economics, argued, and the U. S. cannot be properly compared to the parliamentary government of Britain (Brown). If the government was to raise taxes it is not guaranteed that it would result negatively on the economy as a whole. Actually, by raising taxes the nation is being given a chance to reform the tax code and broaden the base in the future (Cohen). A trip to the drawing board of economics combined with an on the dot tax plan could revolutionize the economy of America instead of resulting in disaster as many people against the raise in taxes have argued. To tax or not to tax; that is the problem. Despite arguments for a decrease in taxes it is clear that if the government ignores the demand for money to appease the increasing debt then the economy will fall into a harsh depression that will become harder to fix. Citizens put their safety in the hands of the government, they put their children’s safety in the hands of the government, they put their education in the hands of the government, and they put their money in the hands of the government. Why then can they not put their trust? Taxes should be raises so that the deficit does not increase to a larger rate. It is time to start refilling the empty bank of American. Works Cited Brown, Abram. â€Å"The Argument Against Fiscal Cliff Austerity: Just Look At Britain’s Mess. â€Å"Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 24 Dec. 2012. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. Cleveland, Grover. Quote – Though the People Support the Government; the Government Should Not Support the People†¦ on Quotations Book. N. p. , n. d. Web. 16 Feb. 2013. Cohen, Tom. â€Å"Fiscal Cliff: What Isn’t Said Tells More than Actual Words. †Ã‚  CNN. Cable News Network, 07 Dec. 2012. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. Dixon, Kim. â€Å"Analysis: â€Å"Fiscal Cliff’ Deal Called a Dud on Deficit Front. †Ã‚  Chicago Tribune. Chicago Tribune, 01 Jan. 2013. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. Dubay, Curtis S. â€Å"Send This Report to a Friend.   The Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation, 9 Jan. 2013. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. Ohlemacher, Stephen. â€Å"Fiscal Cliff Deal Will Raise Taxes On 77 Percent Of Americans: Tax Policy Center Analysis. †Ã‚  The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost. com, 02Jan. 2013. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. â€Å"President To Make Argument For Fiscal Cliff  Plans. †Ã‚  Breaking News for Blac k America. News One, 27 Nov. 2012. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. Russell, Don. â€Å"A Clear Concise Look at the ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Controversy. †Ã‚  Examiner. com. Examiner, 4 Dec. 2012. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. How to cite To Tax or Not to Tax, Papers